The Most Common Mistakes Players Make in Escape Rooms (And How to Avoid Them)

September 13, 2024

Escape rooms are thrilling, immersive adventures where players solve puzzles and challenges to "escape" within a time limit. The pressure to beat the clock can lead to common mistakes that hamper the experience, but with the right mindset and strategies, these can be avoided. In this guide, we’ll break down the most frequent errors escape room players make and offer practical tips to ensure your next game is a smashing success.

What is an Escape Room?

An escape room is a live-action puzzle game where participants work together to solve a series of challenges, riddles, and mysteries within a set timeframe. Often themed—whether you're in a spooky haunted house, an ancient temple, or a high-tech laboratory—escape rooms require logical thinking, observation, and teamwork to succeed. They’ve grown massively in popularity worldwide as a fun activity for friends, family, and even corporate team-building events.

Why Do Players Make Mistakes in Escape Rooms?

The time pressure combined with the complexity of the puzzles can make even seasoned players trip up. Some players overthink solutions, while others might not think enough. Group dynamics also play a significant role—too many voices can lead to chaos, while too few can result in overlooked details. The goal is to balance strategy, teamwork, and quick thinking to come out victorious.

Mistake 1: Failing to Communicate with Your Team

One of the biggest issues in any escape room is poor communication. Escape rooms are designed for collaboration, and failing to share information can spell disaster. If someone finds a key clue but doesn’t alert the rest of the group, you might waste precious minutes searching for something already found.

How to avoid it: Make a point to communicate openly. If you find something, say it out loud. Discuss what you’re working on, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you hit a wall. The more your team shares, the faster you’ll solve the puzzles.

Mistake 2: Overcomplicating Simple Puzzles

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and start thinking that every solution requires complex logic. Sometimes, the answer is far simpler than you expect. Many teams overthink easy puzzles, wasting valuable time trying to decipher something that’s meant to be straightforward.

How to avoid it: Start with the simplest, most obvious solutions first. If a puzzle seems too easy, it probably is. Avoid jumping to conclusions before exploring the basics.

Mistake 3: Ignoring Clues or Overlooking Details

In the heat of the moment, it's easy to overlook crucial clues. A seemingly insignificant detail could unlock the next stage of the game. Players often rush through the room and miss small but vital pieces of information.

How to avoid it: Take your time to thoroughly inspect every object and area. Pay attention to everything—sometimes the smallest details are the most important. Divide the room into sections and check each one methodically to avoid overlooking clues.

Mistake 4: Not Managing Time Properly

Time flies when you’re under pressure, and in an escape room, that ticking clock is your biggest enemy. Many teams spend too much time on the early puzzles and realize too late they’ve only got a few minutes left for the harder challenges.

How to avoid it: Assign someone to watch the clock and keep track of how long you’re spending on each puzzle. If you’re stuck, don’t hesitate to move on and come back later.

Mistake 5: Not Using the Hints Provided

Some players see asking for hints as a sign of defeat. However, escape rooms are designed to offer help when needed, and using the hint system can be the difference between finishing the room and getting stuck on one puzzle.

How to avoid it: Don’t be afraid to use hints! They’re there to help, not hinder. If you’ve been stuck on a puzzle for too long, ask for a hint to save time and frustration.

Mistake 6: Poor Division of Labor Among the Team

When everyone in the group tries to solve the same puzzle at once, you’re wasting valuable human resources. On the flip side, if no one is paying attention to the right area, crucial clues might be missed.

How to avoid it: Divide and conquer! Assign specific tasks to different team members. Have a few people work on puzzles while others search for clues. Rotating responsibilities can also keep everyone engaged.

Mistake 7: Focusing on One Puzzle for Too Long

Sometimes, a puzzle can be so frustrating that you’re determined to solve it, even if it’s eating up all your time. Stubbornness can derail your progress and make it impossible to move forward.

How to avoid it: If a puzzle is taking too long, take a break and move on to something else. Often, a fresh perspective or a short break will reveal the solution.

Mistake 8: Becoming Frustrated or Giving Up

Escape rooms are meant to be challenging, but getting frustrated won’t help. Some players give up too early or lose their cool, which not only affects their own experience but also brings down the morale of the entire team.

How to avoid it: Stay calm and keep your cool. Take deep breaths and remember that it’s all part of the fun. If you’re feeling frustrated, step back for a moment and let someone else try.

Mistake 9: Disregarding the Game Master’s Instructions

The game master provides critical information and guidance at the beginning of the game, and throughout if needed. Ignoring their instructions can mean missing out on essential clues or strategies.

How to avoid it: Listen carefully to the game master’s introduction and any rules they provide. They often know the common pitfalls and can offer subtle guidance to help you succeed.

Mistake 10: Overcrowding Certain Areas

Sometimes, the entire team will cluster around one part of the room, causing chaos and confusion. This not only wastes time but also prevents efficient problem-solving.

How to avoid it: Spread out! Assign different areas of the room to different people and avoid grouping up unless necessary. It’s all about maximizing efficiency.

How to Ensure Success in Your Next Escape Room

Now that you know the most common mistakes, you can plan ahead to avoid them. Communicate, manage your time, use hints wisely, and most importantly, stay calm and have fun. With these strategies in mind, you’ll not only beat the clock but also enjoy the experience more.


Escape rooms are an incredible way to challenge your mind and bond with your team, but they can also be tricky if you fall into common traps. By avoiding these mistakes—poor communication, overthinking puzzles, ignoring clues, and more—you can enhance your chances of victory. Next time you enter an escape room, keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be much better equipped to come out as winners!

Be Sure to visit Hour to Midnight in Portland for your next escape game adventure!


  1. How many people should be on an escape room team?
    • Most escape rooms work best with 4-6 players, as this allows for a good balance of teamwork and manageable communication.
  2. Are escape rooms suitable for beginners?
    • Yes! Many escape rooms offer beginner-friendly options that gradually increase in difficulty, so there's something for everyone.
  3. What should you do if you're completely stuck?
    • Don’t hesitate to ask for a hint or switch puzzles with a teammate. Fresh eyes can often see what you’ve missed.
  4. Do escape rooms have themes, and does it affect gameplay?
    • Absolutely! Themes range from mystery to horror to adventure, and the puzzles are often designed to fit the theme, which can affect how you approach them.
  5. How can I improve my skills in solving escape rooms?
    • Practice makes perfect. The more escape rooms you do, the better you’ll become at spotting patterns, solving puzzles, and communicating with your team.

Edited by:
Ed Wolf

Ed Wolf one of the many team members in FrightFX LLC, who has brought forth a new and fun world or immersive room escape games.

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